Friday, July 9, 2010

Creature Inks

This week, I decided to focus on a single creature drawing I've been messing around with. Originally, this was one of my ideas for the monster at the end of the short story I'm doing for the LCS Horror Anthology... hopefully I can get it done in time! Well, turns out the creature I'm going with is a little simpler, but hopefully just as creepy... this one is just for fun.

For this image, I tried a new technique: I penciled just half the face then photocopied and flipped it over for perfect symmetry. I then ran a copy of the 2 halves together, slightly lighter so I could practice my inks over it. As I go along, I'm adding some randomness so it doesn't appear too symmetrical. Inking has always been a challenging area for me, so has been good practice, plus inking over a photocopy allows me to try different techniques without ruining the original pencil drawing.

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