Thursday, September 9, 2010

BnD at Sergio's

The group met up at Sergio's bar this week. There were 6 or 8 of us there and we all really enjoyed the new venue. There's talk of us coming there on a regular basis, since our first pick, Zanzabar has so frequent live acts that mess up our schedule... but we'll see.

Sergio's has plenty of room in the back, seemed interested in having us there, have an impressive selection of beers and the food wasn't bad. It was just kinda warm in that back room area, unlike Z-bar where it's nice and cool... I personally don't mind going back-n-forth between the two places and like a little variety.

As a group, we are all genuinely excited about our upcoming horror anthology, and can't wait to get an update from our fearless leader, Ted, at the next LCS meeting.

As for art this week, I spent some time brainstorming some story ideas with writing powerhouse, Troy (look for our Frankenstein story in the horror anthology next month). I also managed to doodle a few little pics in my sketchbook:

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